Welcome! Summer 2024
CTL5011 Information Site for "Holistic Approaches to Information Technology"

Course survey - participants please complete this form and send to me by email.

Two learning management systems:  Pepper the OISE system, and Quercus the University of Toronto system are used in this course.  The goal is to become more familiar with ways to enhance teaching and learning with a holistic approach when using technology. To VIEW pages/sites on astralsite with newer equipment, you may see "not secure" because all are http://NOT https://

For all documents, please "save as" .doc (WORD 97-2003) Please do NOT save as .docx  Not everyone has the latest version of WORD.
Weekly Update Notes are posted at the beginning of each week. (Sundays) These are required reading.  Please log in every day.
This is a 12 week course packed into 6 short weeks. Class opens JULY 2, 2024 Class ends August 12, 2024

Class Chart 2021          Class Chart 2022         Class Chart 2023            Class Chart 2024

Accessing the Course
FAQ Maintaining Contact
Summer 2024 Schedule
(enter Pepper in Quercus)
Search and Research
Overview-Subject Outline
Web Resources
Course Readings
Class Projects Gallery

Student testimonials  Guests: 2013 2014  2015  2016   2017-19  2020  2021-24

Dr. Selia Karsten         selia.karsten@utoronto.ca   

Good reads: Walter Isaacson's The Innovators:  How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
         Getting Organized in the Google Era: How to Get Stuff Out of Your Head - Douglas Merrill, James A. Martin
The Compassionate Educator : Understanding Social Issues and the Ethics of Care in Canadian Schools - edited by Allyson Jule