Holistic Approaches to Information Technology Gallery
posted by Dr. Selia Karsten with permission from the creators of these resources - please contact me if you find links that are no longer active.
CTL 5011  Holistic Approaches to Information Technology at OISE/UT

Team Winter 02  Team Winter 03Team Summer 03 Team Winter 04  Team Summer 04  Team Summer 05  Team Summer 07  Team Spring 08
Team Summer 08   Team Summer 09  Team Spring 2010  Team Summer 2011  Team Summer 2012  Team Spring 2013  Team Summer 2014
Team Summer 2015   Team Summer 2016   Team Summer 2017   Team Summer 2018   Team Summer 2019   Team Summer 2020  Team Summer 2021
Team Summer 2022
Individual 02  Individual Winter 03 Individual Summer 03 Individual Winter 04   Individual Summer 04   Individual Summer 05   Individual Summer 07   Individual Spring 08   Individual Summer 08  Individual Summer 09  Individual Spring 2010  Individual Summer 2011  Individual Summer 2012   Individual Spring 2013  Individual Summer 2014  Individual Summer 2015   Individual Summer 2016   Individual Summer 2017   Individual Summer 2018
Individual  2019   Individual 2020  Individual 2021 Individual Summer 2022

Team Projects - Winter 2002
1.  Wood: KF Site and Maya Project
2. Fire: Technology and Holistic Education 
3. Earth: Ventures in Holistic Education 
4. Metal: The Healthy Active Living Online Community
5. Water: Holistic Teachers' Website
Team Projects - Winter 2003
1. Fire: (Project no longer available)
2. Water: Interactivearts project (no longer available)
3. Earth: (Project no longer available)
4. Metal: Math Project (no longer available)
Team Projects - Summer 2003

Team One (Earth) Holistic Approaches to Second Language Education
Team Two:  New to Teaching?

Team Projects - Winter 2004
1.  Wood: Inside Out: Self Esteem Resources for Teachers
2. Fire: Performance Arts Around the World
3. Earth: Dialogue in Learning Organizations
4. Metal: Mars: Science Education - A Holistic Approach
5. Water: Oasis: An Online Ashram for the Practice of Meditation
Team Projects - Summer 2004
1. Fire - Student ePortfolios
2. Earth - Classroom Coaches:  New Teacher Mentoring
3. Metal - Online Learning Models: A Holistic View
4. Rock - Weaving Poetry Through the Curriculum
Team Projects - Summer 2005
1. Wood: Professional Learning Communities 
2. Fire: Media Literacy 
3. Earth: Anti-Racism in the Classroom
4. Metal: Unifying the Divide Within
5. Water: Empowering Individuals with Learning Disabilities Through the Application of Assistive Technologies 
Team Projects - Summer 2007
1. Wood: Transition Opportunities Project 
2. Fire: Professional Learning Community 
3. Earth: URL: Education Scholarship for Healthcare Profession Educators - http://ennovativesolution.com/ES/
4. Metal: Take Care of Yourself
5. Water: Self Awareness 
Team Projects - Spring 2008
1. Wood: Academic and Social R's 
2. Fire: Earth Rescue: The 6 R's of Environmental Awareness 
3. Earth: Teaching with Technology 
4. Metal: Healthy Living 
5. Water: Holistic Practices in information Technology 
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Team Projects - Summer 2008
1. Wood: Information Literacy 
2. Fire: On-line teaching Tools: A Starting Point 
3. Earth: Holistic Education 
4. Metal: Enhancing Literacy Learning with Technology 
5. Water: Gaining Power Over Bullying -
Team Projects - Summer 2009
1. Wood: Dyslexia Resource
2. Fire: Voices in Action 
3. Earth: My Healthy Internet
4. Metal: Teachers on Social Networking Sites 
5. Water: Cultural Awareness
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Team Projects - Spring 2010
1. Wood: Making Inclusive Online Environments 
2. Fire: Collaboration Station
3. Earth: Resources to Bring You Back...to Earth
4. Metal: My ESL Learning Journey - http://myesljourney.weebly.com/index.html
5. Water: Pathways to a More Holistic Lifestyle 
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Team Projects - Summer 2012
1. Wood: Online Learning Guide - http://onlinelearningguide.weebly.com/
2. Fire: The Collaborative Classroom 
3. Earth: Digital and Traditional Literacy
4. Metal: Biodiversity
5. Water: Gaming as an Educational Tool 
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Team Projects - Spring 2013
1. Wood: The Flipped Classroom
2. Fire: Cultural Inclusivity in the Online Classroom - http://ctl1799.wix.com/fireteam
3. Earth: Autism and Education 
4. Metal: Restorative Justice Approach to Conflict Resolution 
5. Water: Social Justice and Language Arts 
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Team Projects - Spring 2014
1. Wood: Engaging Learners in Literacy - http://engaginglearnersinlitearcy.weebly.com/
2. Fire: Holistic Education: Health and Well Being - http://holisticeducationhealthwellbeing.weebly.com/
3. Earth: Holistic Educators Resource Network - http://holisticeducationctl1799.wikispaces.com/
4. Water: Google Glass for Educators - http://waterteam2014.wixsite.com/googleglasseducators
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Team Projects - Summer 2015
1. Wood: Holistic Education Around the World - http://woodteamproject.weebly.com/
2. Fire: Team Fire Reflects on TRIBES - http://teamfire.wikispaces.com/Team+Fire+reflects+on+TRIBES
3. Earth: Guide to Holistic Online Teaching and Learning
4. Metal: Engaging Learners with Special Education Exceptionalities - http://rescola.com.br/metalgroup
5. Water: Exploring Online Portfolios -  http://exploringonlineportfolios.weebly.com/
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Team Projects - Summer 2016
1. Wood: Holistic Applications of Google Platform to Education - https://sites.google.com/site/holisticappeducation/home
2. Fire: Assistive Technology - http://neal632.wixsite.com/assistivetech
3. Earth: Digital Literacy - http://teamearthwebsite.wixsite.com/digitalliteracy
4. Metal: Engaging All Learners - http://xprs.imcreator.com/free/jins2016/holisticed2016
5. Water: Social Media in the Classroom
Team Projects - Summer 2017
1. Wood: Apps for Holistic Learning - https://gfolinazzo.wixsite.com/holisticapps
2. Fire: Assistive Technology - https://sites.google.com/view/ctl5011-assistivetechnology
3 Earth: Co-Learning Assesment Hub - https://assessmenthub.wordpress.com/
4. Metal: Distance Learning Partnerships 
5. Water: Technology Platform for Educators - http://holistic-edu.weebly.com/
Team Projects - Summer 2018
1. Wood: UDL and Digital Tools - https://sites.google.com/tdsb.on.ca/wood-collaborative-project
2. Fire: Compassion in the Classroom - https://sites.google.com/view/compassionintheclassroom
3 Earth: Emotional Intelligence - https://ctlearth.weebly.com/
4. Metal: Best Uses of Digital Resources - https://bestusesofdigitalresources.weebly.com
5. Water: Student-Centred Resources for Teachers - https://sites.google.com/view/student-centredresourcesfortea/home
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Team Projects - Summer 2019
1. Wood: Educative Gamification - https://mmeseiling.wixsite.com/teamwood
2. Fire: Metacogitive Resources 
3. Earth: Ecotherapy
4. Metal: Second Language Learning -  https://sites.google.com/tdsb.on.ca/second-language-learning/home
5. Water: Mindfulness in Education - https://h2o-ctl5011.wixsite.com/waterteam2019

Team Projects - Summer 2020
1. Wood: SEL For All Ages https://sites.google.com/view/sel-for-all-ages/home
2. Fire: Holistic Harvest https://ctl5011.wixsite.com/holisticharvest
3. Earth: Online Community Building 
4. Metal: Virtual Field Trips https://sites.google.com/view/ctl-5011-informationtechnology/home
5. Water: Improving Mental Health Awareness https://sites.google.com/view/ctl5011/home

Team Projects - Summer 2021
1. Wood: Blended Learning Models and BLE Tools https://ctl5011wood.wixsite.com/team
2. Fire: Edutech Collective https://fireteamproject.wixsite.com/website
3. Earth: Strategies for Community Building
4. Metal: Online Class Tools https://sites.google.com/view/online-class-tools/home
5. Water: Boost Your Senses https://waterteam2021.wixsite.com/boost-senses

Team Projects - Summer 2022
1. WOOD: Strategies to Support Online Learning   https://sites.google.com/view/ctl5011woodteam/welcome
2. FIRE: All About Careers https://ctl5011firegroup.wixsite.com/allaboutcareers
3. EARTH: Digital Inventors https://sites.google.com/view/digital-inventors/home
4. METAL: The Magic World https://sites.google.com/view/themagicworld/home
5. WATER: Water Tribe ELL  https://sites.google.com/view/ctl-5011h20/home
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Individual Projects 2002
Peter Aguiar - BlackBoard Tutorial and Tour Tyler Hawkins - Virtual Maya Field Trip Guide Stephanie Moschonissios - Teen Sexuality Anita Smith - Introducing Andy!
Karen Benbassat - Collaborative Classrooms (view with Internet Explorer)  Michelle Hoffe - Holistic Education and Visual Arts Greg Neumann - Holistic Parenting 
Telling True Tale
Jean Snyder - An Overview of Online Learning and Scaffolding
Kathleen Broer-1 - Bears Story
Kathleen Broer-2 - Elementary. ESL 
Rae Johnson - Body of Knowledge - Movement Therapy Michael Neundorf - St. Mary's School Jennifer Straub - DRAMA in the Second Language Classroom
Christine Brown - Fit and Forty John Kubicek - Holistic Discovery Centre Kevin Reid - Holistic Web Experiences: Groundwater Tracy Urban - Slow Down!
Alfredo Chow - Technology FAQ Darlene Lane - Being Female - A Holistic Approach Kathleen Robbins - A Treasure Chest of Resources  Lisa Wan-1 - Teaching Chinese
Lisa Wan-2 - Mandarin Team
Konrad Glogowski  - Media Ed Lab at Fern Hill School Andrea McDermott-1 - Snowman
Andrea McDermott-2 - Summer Sun
Project Journal
Elana Shapiro - Music In The
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Individual Projects - Winter 2003
Tyler Bailey
Mr. Bailey's Class
Marcy Barrett Jemille Chu
St. Gaspar Primary School
John D'Arcy
Twittering Machine
Naomi Epstein
The Art of Science
Dawn Fyn
Sojourn - Discovery Journal
Kari Gerhard
Teaching Writing Through Poetry
Ghislain Henry
Portfolio in English and French
Andrew Keene
My Teaching Career
Marlene Khalil
FlashMX Reference
James Mercer
Collaborative Learning WebQuest
Chiara Mondelli
Music Technology Beyond Midi
David Neudorf
PDAs in the Classroom
Anna Quatrociocchi
Becoming the Artist
Debrah Richards - Group Facilitator's Manual for Online Learners Melanie Rubens
Holism: A Metaphoric Journey
Astrid Steele
Definitely Not the Spa
Doug Symington
Geoff Thompson
Thinking About You: Song
Nicole van Woudenberg
Nicole's Project: Alberta
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Individual Projects - Summer 2003
Laina Andrews
Anti-Bullying Program
Gord Ferfolya
How to Edit Digital Video
Esther Leong Tou Callie Mady
Creme du Crime
Marianne Shabata
Speaking Skills
Vanessa Peters
Taxonomy of Online Learning
Julia Rudko-Alternative Program For Pupils Limitedly Expelled Stacey White
Teaching Social Skills
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Individual Projects - Winter 2004

Joe Banwait
Holistic Teacher Resources
Darcie Boakye Durham Alternative Secondary School Nutrition Site Linda Brown
Responsibility Power Point Gr. 7/8
Lisa De Nobile
The Art of Belly Dancing
Sasha Fung-Vardy
Robert Gause
Visual Arts and Transformative Learning
Winnie Hunsburger
nothing is perfect
Mark McCallen
Resources for the Grade 5 Teacher
Cassie Medve-Racine
Computers and Cooperative Learning!
Anne Mulvaney -Seeds from Silence Cynthia Murnaghan
Parent's On-line guide to Special Education
Tim Richardson
How www.omegawallpaper.com was built 
Meghan Seybold - MIndfulness Vidya Shah - Teaching from the Heart Cheryl St-Elier - Art and Discipline of Reflection Alex Upton  What Does It Mean To Be a Teacher?  a teaching portfolio
Karen Weilgosh  Performing Arts @ Loyola Ping Wu  An Artistic Approach to the Holistic World for Teachers Anton Yasnitsky
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Individual Projects - Summer 2004
Amy Foley
The Future of MagLev
Tony Leong
Musical Performance on the Internet
Sarah Nicholl - Beginning online facilitation in the corporate environment
Melody Elmoselhi
Teach MacBeth 2004
Jason Lewis
Web Resource for CSA (farmers and eaters)
Jim Poirier
ESL in Japan
Brad Jennings
University Information Website
Elisa McGann-Golding
The Joy Luck Club
Rheanne Stevens
Piecing a Community Together
Yiota Kariaskos
Yiota's ePortfolio
Heather Mace
Special Education Portfolio
Greg Weiler
Andriane Konitsiotsis
Poetry and Music Cafe 
William Neal
The Tao of Learning
Maureen Wideman
Teachers' Resource: Learning Objects
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Individual Projects - Summer 2005
Pat Balis
Equity for All
Beth Burns - VP's Holistic Approach to Administration James Castella - Creating Empathy in 
Your Classroom
Lorelei Downes
Go Team!
Aida Fahoum - Meaningful Teaching 
and Learning
David Gelb - Video Making Won Lee - Country Project Shawn Lennie
The Infinity Project
George Letsos
Eva MacKenna - Let's Talk About It Gillian Martin - All About You! Susan Milne
Real to Reel
Ashley Panakkal 
Academic Portfolio
Suzana Penich - St. Joan of Arc
School Resources
Richard Pincombe - Effective
Classroom Management
Christine Relic - Career Awakening
Sabrina Saunders
Angela Scott - Remarkable Truth 
about Illness
Cindy Spackman - Using Class Meetings
to Find Balance
Daniel Stuart - Protest Songs
Alanna Vickman-Seet
Harkness Pedagogy
Bernadette Walsh
Research in Practice
Lorraine Whitehead 
The B ? B Retreat
D'Arcy Young - Teaching Poetry
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Individual Projects - Summer 2007
Nadia Bhabha - Online Portfolio Carly Brisbane Dornalee Browne Denise Calvert - Power of Reflection
Debra Clendinneng
Luke Coles - E-Resume Deborah Cox-Hughes - Mrs. Cox's Page Denise Dumont
Teena George
Sandy Healy - Collaborative Partnerships Danielle Hunter Sarah Irwin - C is for Canoe
Amrita Mulchand
Allison Sargent - Bullying Brenda Sherry - Learning Zone Dwight Stewart - My Teaching Page
Katherine Stunt Rong Sun - Web CV Iliana Sztainbok - Violence and Learning .
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Individual Projects - Spring 2008
Michelle Best - Ms. Best's Classroom Baolong Fu My Digital Story Mike Kirby -Mike Kirby's Home Page Angela Potts Learning About the World Wide Web
Erika Buechner - The Literary Essayi Selina Glynn My Story  Celynn Klemenchuk's ePortfolio  Charles Rossel - Home on the Web
Nerissa Coronel Lynne Howard - A Personal Journey Justine Montgomery - Beside the Ocean Lesia Skira         Log In to eLeap
Lawrence DeMaeyer
Lawrence DeMaeyer's eportfolio
Claudia Imola
Work Life Balance
Claudia Morano
Claudia's Reflective Journey
Lesline Smikle
My Journey Through Technology
Catherine Dowling - Elements of Design Denise Ing - Hearth and Home Jeremy Nigli - Music and Technology Xin Su - VIdeo Games and Education
Kristin Frank - Reiki: Healing Touch . . .Nancy Tsang Journey with Ms. Tsang
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Individual Projects - Summer 2008
Monique Asuquo - Online Portfolio Stephanie Geddes - Your Art Portfolio Christian Robertson - Christian Robertson Portfolio
Sarah Baker - Mood and Food Tracey Germa-Hughes Rachael Russell - Rachael's Teaching Portfolio
Priscilla Bengo - Mathematics for Everyday Life Jenni Giffen - Mrs Giffen's Cyber Class Nancy Sotiropoulos (Gymnopoulos) - E-Portfolio 
Polly Chan
Diana Greco - Diana Greco's Professional Portfolio Agnes Szpala - Teaching Portflio
Anny Couture - La classe de Mme Couture -  Michael Menheere - Using Technology to Reduce Our  Patti Thomas - Planning Ten
Caroline Falzon - English and E.S.L. Department Kamla Reid - Individual Project - Jennifer Walsh - Character Education 
Gerald Foran - P.A.L.S. - Join the Fun Amanda Rennick - Find Your Voice Through Photography Jacki Watson - Jacki Watson's Portfolio - 
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Individual Projects - Summer 2009
Alexandria Arraiz: Globetrotting Alex Makosz: Spotlights on My Life Justyna Rucinska: Our Story
Shari Baillargeon: Homework Help/French Immersion Talia Osiel: The Beauty in Sharing Sukhi Singh: Picture Book - Feast of the Dead
Stephanie Collins: Green Education Laura Oswin: Vancouver Parent Ereni Suparti: Erni Suparti's Portfolio
Ingrid Cullen: Procrastination Craig Patterson: Reflections Holly Tran: Holly Tran's E-Portfolio
Francesca Garton: Body Movement Holly Richards: A Musical Journey Linda Wall: Eye Hand POS=3 ASL
Steven Jones: Steve Jones E-Portfolio Lily Rios Cava: Lily's Eportfolio Brigid Wright: Brigid's Trips
Katherine MacIver: Differentiated Instruction Jan Rossiter: Journeys with Jan Xiaoyi Yan: Northern School-Wide Positive Behavior Support 
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Individual Projects - Spring 2010
Joe Bettencourt- Gr. 11 Math Study WIKI Scott Johnson: Technology for Education Iryna Pavlova
Kim Butler: How to Create a Yearbook Ella Karia: Teaching Portfolio Tammy Pearce: eportfolio
Jennifer Carey: Finding Balance Gina Marshall Daniel Rodriguez: Freedom from Stress for City Dwellers - 
Monica Carey: eportfolio Michelle McNair Zainab Shaikh: Miss Shaikh's Introduction
Rhonda Dynes Living Library LaToya McPherson: Vision into Reality Lisa Tappenden: Teaching English in China
Diana Fiore-Marano; eportfolio Marc Mesich: One Thinking Earth - Yoga Journey Jessica Turetken: All Around ESL
Stephanie Frontin-Eirik: Humour Your Learning  Kaoru Nikaido: eportfolio Pamela Walsh: Partner Talk
Geoff Gallgher-McKay: Get Outside Ainsley O'Keefe: My Top Three Shira Wolch: Video Portfolio
. Varsha Patel: The Essential Journey .
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Individual Projects - Summer 2011
Ivy Asamoah - Healing Chronic Health Challenges  ************************************ Carolina Saenz-Molina - Mindful Mama
Linda Bordan (Hargreaves)- Reading Right Renata Gelmi- Seeking Beauty in the West Robert Semplicio - Special Education
Gus (Kostas) Bougadis Lea Konforte - Course: Secondary Business Nita Shori - Think, Dream, Live
Vanessa Chaperlin - Roda Youth Lisa Langley - CTL 1799 Novices Cara Singh - Mummy's Yummies
Jimmy Chia Vodcasting for Teachers Kathryn Moore - Wild Words Meredith Snyder - Media Fandom - Critical Literacy
Fabrice Comlan - Discover Benin Rosanna Myler - Holistic Drama David St. Germian- Malaysia for Teachers
Carla DiFillipo - Phys-Ed Resources Vincent Picone - Online Writing Groups Dennis Zions - Science By Process
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Individual Projects - Summer 2012
name deleted on request of student . Katie Nielsen
David Boughton - Task-Based Language Teaching Alan Hesketh - B.C.Outdoor Ed.Network Naomi Omar-Ali - Two Buns in the Oven: Twin Pregnancy
Dino Casciato - e-Portfolio Salina Karim - Integrating Technology in Social Studies Lorelie Ormestad
Jo-Anne Close - All About Editing Sharon Kelk
Michael Petryshyn
Wassim El-Geries - Spirituality in the Classroom Stephanie Kim - Hagwon Teaching Ken Pettigrew - Media Literate Teacher
Julia Glanville - Writing Workshop Nancy Latulipe - wikipedia/new lms/voe Eden Pollock - Literacy Balancing Act
Lisa Gulesserian - Mentoring ? Learning . Nicole Ryan - Going Global
Individual Projects - Spring 2013
1 Karolin Alkerton - Montessori Education . 14 Saeeda Noorllahi - I Know Therefore I Am
2 Vincent Allen - Holistic Science Research 8 Ruweida Hassan-Busmilla - School ? Parent Partnership 15 Subra Shujaat - Power Point ePortfolio for Teachers
3 Irina Buta - Ms Buta's Website 9 Joanne Kehoe - ePortfolio 16 Chantele Shuraqui
4 Jeanine Ching - TLW Shining Stars 10 Rosanna Kerigan - Kerigan's Classes 17 M. Syed - ePortfolio
5 Coai Erkaya - ePortfolio 11 Branka Klipa - Get Connected Administrators 18 Matthew Tran-Adams - Paradox
6 Jessica Froslie - Family Cooking 12 Christina Lenart - Ms Lenart's Virtual Classroom 19 Dunja Vulic
7 Adeesha Hack - ePortfolio  password - Adeesha 13 Beth Nichols - Class Math Journal 20 Monique Windross - Classroom
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Individual Projects - Summer 2014
1 Ashley Bishara - Desire to Inspire 7 Emina Muminovic - Video Games ? Digital Literacy 13 Jaimie Van Ham - Online Portfolio
2 Crystal Capalbo - Completely Crys  8 Karen Palomo - Karen in Toronto 14 Ariel Vezina - Hands-On-Science
3 Karen Charendoff - Holistic Approach to 
Alzheimer's Disease
9 Dayna Rashotte - Math Class 4 Educators 15 Janelle Watson - Multi-faceted Approach to Cooperative Education
4 Nicole D'Ambrosio - Holistic Education in Kindergarten  10 Glen Russell - Everything About IB Diploma 16 Fontane Yu - Education in Holistic Lens
5 Manjinder Dhillon -TrainingTechnology 11 Alison Simerson 17 Sandra Zhang - Motivating Online Students
6 Jasmine Dzeko - Into the Wild 12 Stefanie Turner - Learning Through Harkness 18 Tina Zita - This September
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Individual Projects - Summer 2015
1. Peter Bagnall  - Mr. Bagnall 8. Rebecca Hammond - The Hammond Portfolio 15.Maryanne Reid - Race, Equity, Inclusion
2. Shawn Brooks - GR.11 Physics Video/PeerScholar 9. Stephanie Katsuras - CTL1799 Final Project Blog 16. Jody Roberts - Technology and Art Education
3. Renato Carvalho - Kids Can Code 10. Yvonne Lai - Soullful Spotlights 17. Becky Rider - The PYP and Me
4. Douglas Ferris - Math Relevant - Holistic Approach 11. Stacy Langdon - Holistic Nutrition in Schools 18. Rabia Saleem
5. Stephen Furmaniuk - Stephen's Drama Courses 12. Debbie McCallum - Mini-MOOC 19. Sherida Scott - The Innovative Educator
6. Kendal Gerard - Kendal's Photo Poetry 13. Chrissy McComb 20. Yiqi Wang - Yiqi in Toronto
7. Tamica Graham - Cooperative Learning 14. Laura Raymond - Holistic Literacy 21. Jing Zhang - My Learning Experience
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Individual Projects - Summer 2016
1.Sana Bin Yameen - Who are the Aboriginals 8.Kathy Le - Net/Wall/Target Games 15.Julie Plunkett
2.Shari Danan - Animated Resume 9.Yeijean Lee - Yeijean's ePortfolio 16.Imman Sarhan - Multicultural Literature
3.Sonya Dekster
10.Alfred Lo- Sound Sleep 17.Jessica Shearer - Women in Work
4.Christina Furlano - Healthy Mind Healthy Planet 11.Rebecca Martyn - Becky's Classes 18.Zahra Shivji - Mastering Sight Words
5.Joshua Jones - Integral Life Practice 12.Venis Nasr - Webquest 19.Arvind Singh - The Five Realms
6.Jay Kearney - Gr.9 Blended Space Unit 13.Sinthi Neal - Introduction to Smart Boards 20.Natalya Smardon - Holistic Learning Through Games
7.Naguib Keval - ESL Drama World 14.Nadine Persaud - Coding in Primary 21.Jasmine Tatum - Recess Pieces
Individual Projects - Summer 2017
1.Thora Al-Jury - Thura's ESL 8.Dana Garlock  Weeknight Madness 15.Ashley Sosnowski - My ePortfolio
2.Shamshad Begum - Be Holistic Be MultiCultural 9.Andrew Lin  Mr. Andrew's Grade 9 Math 16.Natasha Steer - Authentic Empowerment
3.Hilary Browne  Students for Community 10.Sukanya Rastogi Every Child Is a Creator 17.Elise Twyford
4.Susan de Jonge  Sue On a Learning Journey 11.Elisa Romeo  Math Meets Tech 18.Danica Vidotto - Danica Edits
5.Elisa De Luca  Ms. De Luca's Class Site 12.Saher Samnani  Pixie Dust Spell 19.Joel Wiebe  Dream to Create
6.Giacomo Folinazzo - Create an iBook 13.Angela Sforza  Teaching Gifted Students 20.Amanda Young - Greening Volunteering in Shanghai
7.Alexis Galvao  My First Year Journey 14.Amna Sheikh - Insight - Evolving Teachers 21.Sagal Yusef  Supports for Educators

Individual Projects - Summer 2018
1.Tino Baggio - Better Student Inquiry 9. Steph Melo - Alive, Fit and Well
2. Kate Budd - Building 21st Century Competencies: Resources for Ontario K-12 Educators 10. Mariangela Murano - Global Holistic Learning
3. Joanne Chow - Photoshop for Education 11. Ben Porter - Teacher in Cyberspace
4. Zach Cochrane - Virtual Reality ? Artistic Expression 12. Mili Saha - Teach Within
5. Alyssa Conway - Digital storytelling in the ESL classroom 13. Natalie Tsui - Teacher Wellbeing Matters
6. Alysha Decker - Supporting Students' Global Experiences 14. Geetha Victor - Success Strategies for Edvanced Students
7. Rob Dinniwell  15. Charlotte Whall - Holistic Approach to Arts and Creative Digital Resources
8. Allie Fuller - Allison's e-Portfolio 16. Rongning Billie Xu - Peace of Mind Abroad
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Individual Projects - Summer 2019

1. Julien Alexandre - OISE Library VR Tour http://bit.ly/
Virtual Tour Information
8. Maryam Goudarzi - Science of Learning
15. Alicia Munnings - Beyond the Essay - 
2. Andreea Bacara - My Portfolio
9. Brittany Kay - Drama Teacher Resources
16. Katherine Nader - The Foragers - https://katherinenader.wixsite.com/home/
3. Barbara Baird - Camp Lingua 
(link removed by Barbara Baird's request)
10. Katharine Keller - Learning Through Play
17. Obaidur Rahman - Empowering Through Education
4. Shannon Bramwell - Faculty Led Studies Abroad
11. Edwin Lee - Learning to Teach Programming
18. Janet-Marie Ramsaywak - Beat the Burnout - https://sites.google.com/k12.kpdsb.ca/beat-the-burnout/home
5. Keith Brown - Walking Meditation https://sites.google.com/view/plantingyourfeet/home 12. Jason Li - Podful of Education
19. Alexandra Seiling - Wellness Journey - https://mmeseiling.wixsite.com/wellnessjourney/exploring-wellness-further
6. Tsz Ying (Alice) Chan - Teaching ESL https://sites.google.com/view/sugarsweetsspice/teaching-esl 13. Xueliang (Nina) Ma - eLearning Technologies
20. Stephanie Ustianov - Ecojustice Warriors - https://stephanieustianov.wixsite.com/esehomepage
7. Emily Ferguson - Emily Ferguson Portfolio 
14. Caitlin Matthews - Jr Math Resources 21. Qian (Claire) Zhang - Partners to Prosperity in Education - https://myflowineducation.weebly.com
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Individual Projects - Summer 2020

1. Haniya Adnan - Creative Spark in the Classroom
8. Taban Jopari - Study Abroad 
15. Julia Ruscillo - Interview Portfolio 
2. Maren Askin - Teaching Gifted Students

9. Asma Khan - Moral Education in Early Years
16. Maya Saggar  - Math Bakery: A Virtual Play Experience 
3. Samantha Bourdon - Community Buiilding in Blended Learning Environment
10. Yuting Lai - 11. Personal Portfolio + Journaling in a Second Language     https://yutinglaidesigner.wordpress.com/ 17. Alessia Saluri - Holistic Pragmatics for ESL Learners
4. Dana Di Loreto - Reducing Stress in French Language Learning
11. Mikala Medeiros - Workplace Community Learning
18. Amanda Squillace  - Mental Health Matters 
5. Trevor Findlay - Supporting Students in Online Environment
12. Gamni Mohandas - Science Superheroes
19. Lynn Truong -  Teaching English Language Holistically https://sites.google.com/view/englishlanguageandholistic/home
6. Nikko Gimpaya - E-Learning Accessibility information for Holistic Teachers and Learners
13. Victoria Pawlina - FSL Connections
20. Marie Vaduva - Ed Bank 
7. Tom Hoyer-Wood - Holistic Approach to High School Social Studies 
14. Kirsty Paxton - Kids2Kids
21. Julia Woznowski - Discovering Plurillingualism
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Individual Projects - Summer 2021
1. Atreyi Chanda - Aquaponics at Home
13. Junlang Pu - Teach Chinese Together
2. Joseph Chow - Digital ePortfolio and PD Center
14. Erika Serodio - A Guide to Public Art in Toronto
3. Wyeth Clarkson - Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness
15. Mikayla Serratore - No Guide to Dementia - Let's Try
4. Lauren Femson - Reimagined Collective
16. Jun Wang - Game-Based Learning in the Classroom: An Introductory Hub
5. Chandni Gadhavi - Human Values Program
17. Judith Weist - Writing Prompts Website
6. Suk Hong - Pediatric Palliative Care
18. Zixin Wu - Stop Cyberbullying
7. Chuqing Huang - Teaching and Learning System
19. Yuehui Xu - Creativity in Class and Design
8. Guangyue (Ted) Kang - The Secret of Hanzi (Chinese Character)
20. Rong Xue - Online Tools for IL:E Instructors
9. Linda Kwan - Teaching With Diverse Picture Books
21. Han Ye - The Power of Place-Based Education
10. Shannon McCormack - Mental Health for Jr. French as Second Language
22. Joyce Yip - Community Music and Health Platform
11. Corisa McKee - Play 
23. Anastassiya Yudintseva - Portfolio: Learning Designer and Educator
12. Ziyi Mu - Econ Space
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Individual Projects - Summer 2022

1. Tobias Ali - Games Based Language Learning
10. Jeewan Jyoti - Impactful 4E's
19. Wakana Tsuji - ePortfolio
2. Lulu Chen - Mirror: Self-assessment
11. Monica Khoshaien - 2SLGBTQ Positive Spaces
20. Vikki Wan - Wellness Within Resources
3. Chang Cui - History Beyond the Textbooks
12. Chang Lui - Welcome to the Sneaker World
21. Yixuan Wang - Protecting Nature
4. Shireen Daureeawoo - Blissful Experience
13. Changyi Mu - Mind + Emotion
22. Shu-Jin Wu - Learn Chinese Easily
5. Shifan Du - Promoting EDI
14. Geovanni Rini  - An International Student Guide
23. Youwen Wu - Eat Well Live Well
6. Dayna Goren - The Power of Yet
15. Hong Shu - Learning Solutions
24. Jingjing Yi - ADHD
7. Xiao He - Time For Bed
16. Boya Sun - Learning Made Fun
25. Angela Zamanis - Musical English Language Learning
8. Hao Huang - Go For Motivation https://sites.google.com/view/go-for-motivation 17. Yijing Sun - About Happy Together
26. Yuxin Zhang - Self-Discipline
9. Nitisha Iftkhar - STEM Pro Science Learning
18. Ximan Tang - By Gamers, For Gamers
27. Klara Zoldos - Miindfulness
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Updated August 27, 2024