CTL 5011 Summer 2024 CLASS SCHEDULE
WEEK NUMBER Pepper and Quercus Class activities and  Critical Dates
1. July 2-6 Welcome: Introductions. Become familiar with Announcements and Pepper.
Post re: Articles 1, 2 and 3: 1 brief review or 1 response to a review. Post a current article on a related topic with location & citation for this article.  Begin On-going posts to the following all-class Forums: 1. Individual Project Planning, and 2. Holistic Approaches, 3. Teaching and Learning withTechnology
Course Objectives: Read Orientation to course; Begin keeping a reflective journal. Blog assignment.  Begin Reading assignments. Class Discussions. Readings 1, 2 and 3 (2 postings - don't get carried away!  Read articles, post messages and become familiar with Pepper and Quercus sites overall.
2. July 7-13 Share Blog of choice and why. Readings re: Article 4. Teams and Partners announced. 
Teams brainstorm ideas for projects. Chat Log links  saved as .doc (not .docx) and uploaded to your Team's Folder) Team members post a message regarding strengths. Another co-authored Note is used to schedule planning meetings for the team.
Reading 4: post reading reviews in Reading 4 Forum.
Assigned Teams, Learning Partners: Teams: meet to plan educational resource web projects, use a Chat program to meet and create project criteria and/or rubrics. Teams also plan team's assigned weekly discussion. Partners meet for Reading 5 chapter and plan designing a blended course.
3. July 14-20 Learning Partners assigned for Reading 5 meet to collaborate designing a blended course.  Post completed assignment to Reading 5 Forum by end of Week 4. All Class Discussions 1 and 2 in progress. Summaries posted at the end of the week. Work on Team, Partner and Individual Projects (ongoing) 
All-Class Discussion Topics for Week 3:
1-Information Management and Curriculum Design  (WOOD)
2-Communities and Collaboration (FIRE)
4. July 21-27 Partners Reading 5 Assignment completed and posted. All-Class Discussions 3 and 4 in progress. Summaries posted at the end of the week - this includes brief highlights and resources given. Work on Team and Individual Projects (ongoing) 
All-Class Discussion Topics for Week 4:
3-Reflection and Evaluation  (EARTH)
4-Courseware: Quercus, BlackBoard, Web 2.0 etc. (METAL)
5. July 28-      Aug 3
Team Presentations submitted in Team Presentation Forum.  Chat for Guest Speaker. (WATER Team) All-Class Discussion 5 follows chat log posting. Summary posted by end of week. Presentations of Team Projects. Creating Evaluations and Feedback re: Team Projects. All-Class Discussion Topic for Week 5 (WATER) Guest Speaker in Chat - time and date July 28 6PM
6. Aug 4-12 Individual Projects Presentations and Teams Evaluation and Feedback Team Evaluation and Feedback postings due no later than Aug 7. 
Independent Projects posted with description.
Please Note:  RE:  Any Chat program as long as .doc chat logs can be copied, uploaded and posted Team and/or Partner pages. Individual and team projects are created on free servers such as Webs, Googlepages, Weebly, WIX, Wordpress Chats may be conducted in Quercus on Zoom or alternate program like Hangouts, Whats App, meet.google.com
See 5011 Gallery for Team and Individual project examples.
If using GoogleDocs, please give access to class to view. 
August 18
Please advise if you want to use this extension to submit paper Reflective Papers and Self Evaluation (absolute) deadline
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