1) How do I retrieve my P.I.N. #?
Call the SEMS computer at 393-5000. When
prompted Press*
Indicate you are calling as an employee
(press 9)
Enter your S.I.N.#. Press 1 (to
review P.I.N.#)
2) How do I request a particular supply?
The system asks if you wish to request
a particular supply(Press 1)…When prompted enter the telephone number of
the supply (7 digits only..NO AREA CODE). This is the supply special I.D.
3) Can I change my work location and
classification on SEMS?
To change your job location and (or) classification
on SEMS, call the SEMS help line at 222-8282 ext.5344.
4) How can I find out if a supply has
been assigned to my class?
Call the SEMS computer at 393-5000,
and select the option to review an absence
(Press5). The system will
give you the job information, and then indicate if a
substitute has been assigned or
if it is continuing to search for a substitute.
5) Why do I need a Job Number?
A Job Number is your verification
that your absence has been recorded, and that
the system will call out for a substitute
as indicated.
6) What do I do with the Job Number?
Record and keep the Job Number as
a record or proof that you did report your absence.
7) How will the supply know that I work
at two locations?
The system will ask if you wish to record
special instructions (Press1). Say the name of the school that you work
at the beginning of the school day (state the time your class begins) and
the name of the school that you go to next,and the time that your class
begins at that location.
8) How do I cancel a Job?
A Job Number can only be cancelled
before the start time of the job. Call the
System at 393-5000 and select the
prompt to review or cancel a Job (Press 5).
You must listen to the information
on the job and then the system will ask if you
wish to cancel the job (Press5)
9) How do I enter a half a day or multiple
days absence?
Enter the start date and the start time
of the absence using the key pad on the telephone, then enter the end date
and the end time of the absence using the key pad on the telephone.
e.g.to enter a morning only absence, enter the start date(10/12 ) the start
time as 9:00 a.m. then enter the end date (10/12) and the end time would
be 12:00 p.m. An absence for Oct.12 for the morning only would be
10) Why is SEMS not accepting the reason
for absence?
The reason for absence is always two digits.
e.g…code 10 is for personal illness. If you enter one digit you will activate
the menu prompts. When you press the * key the menu will stop and the system
will repeat “Please enter the reason for absence.”