HRH Princess PeepEye
Fun Facts:

She is my best friend. As I write these words, she is curled up on her catpillow in the office near the computer.  She puts in major nap time then still
manages to spend the night snuggled up
in bed with me. What a life!

PeepEye has a special knack - can you guess
what it is?

She knows when I have on fresh clean clothes -
here's what happens...

She prefers to rub her white hairs on any dark
coloured clothing -  especially black slacks.
Her black hairs  target the light coloured          clothing I wear -especially the white ones.
That's why you'll find a lot of gray clothes in my

More about PeepEye

PeepEye has this funny name for a game that is played by children - they cover their eyes then peep from behind their hands and say "peep eye!"  

My PeepEye has a lovely black mask over her face and she peeps out from the dark fur.



      - belly rubs

      - racing up and down
      the hallway

      - singing to me with a
      musical purr

      - cat yummies

      - being brushed

                              - being fed later than
                              she feels it is
                              appropriate for her
                              dinner time

                              - the can opener noises
                              unless it means she
                              will be the recipient of
                              something delicious

                              - having her eyes or
                              nose tidied up

     Neat Links:  Search: Pet of the Day:

    Email PeepEye's best friend Selia