A long time ago while in high school, Anne read a philosophy book by John Wu entitled something like “When East Meets West”  Although she did not understand very much of it she persisted to the last page.  Her thinking was:" the more I challenge my brain, the more I will understand".  And that has been her motto, from learning to speak fluent French to learning somehow to build a web page (the biggest mystery yet!)  This mind set has led her to study how one can enhance brain functions; you can find three areas of study that fascinate Anne at:  - Tony Buzan’s work;  - Writing the Natural Way with Gabriele Lusser Rico - a look at Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain with Betty Edwards.
These three scholars have helped Anne to understand how children’s minds work differently from hers.  She has been able to be a better elementary and high school teacher.

As a searcher Anne took advantage of the opportunities to study at seven different universities  throughout her life, including study in London England and  Montpelier, France.  She has always thrived in her career as a teacher/learner. The most curious question that has monopolized a great deal of her time since she was thirteen  years old is:  What/Who is the mystery called God?  Much of her reading ,  study and meditation latterly has been devoted to delving deeper into this mystery.

Anne is presently completing a Spiritual Director’s course with the Haden Institute of Charlotte, North Carolina.  This has prepared her to be a companion/guide on life’s journey for anyone who is also interested in the mystery of God.  It is more fun traveling this road with like-minded pilgrims.  Her interest in philosophy has led her through works by Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas,  and some of the works of  Ken Wilbur, Thomas Merton, Teilhard de Chardin  among others.

Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg, but you can appreciate why Anne was awarded the gift of a Question Box at grade 8 graduation. Curiosity has always been her middle name.  She is now reading a book entitled The Physics of Angels.  Doesn’t that just grab you?????

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