TCC 2015  Presentation by Dr. Selia Karsten: Holistic Approach to Information Technology

Designing and developing blended and online courses and teaching teachers online since 1997,  I've presented at twenty-three related conferences since 2001, ten of them for TCC.  At the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, my doctoral studies focused on "Holistic Approaches to Information Technology" resulting in the development of this graduate online course that I have successfully delivered to masters and doctoral students fifteen times (2002-2014). The course information site complete with subject outline, readings, testimonials and a gallery of students' team and individual educational website projects is online: It is a 12 week course cmpacted into six weeks for spring or summer semesters. This course and previous TCC presentations will be referenced in the 2015 session.

1. I plan to share highlights, tips and strategies related to my making the transition from teaching face to face to teaching in computer labs and online with post-secondary students and on the graduate level, with teachers and administrators.

2. The emphasis is on simple strategies for staying focused on priorities in the realm of teaching with technology, especially with ever-evolving media and a complex academic landscape.

3. In this concentrated session, I aim to share meaningful ideas for teaching all ages and subjects. I'd like to inspire educators to guide their learners by being successful role models for lifelong learners by developng a holistic approach in the realm of teaching and learning with technology.

This is the slide presentation prepared for the twenty minute session at the Teaching, Colleges and Community Conference March 2015

Additional Links for TCC Presentation

All photographs taken by Dr. Karsten in St. James Parish, Barbados, 2010