Monday Memoir Writing Topics

      TOPICS (September 2010 - September 2022)

05/09/22          work
29/08/22          athlete
22/08/22          tour of your bedroom
15/08/22          lost
08/08/22          library
01/08/22          What I miss about the 1980's
25/07/22          fire
18/07/22          beaches
11/07/22          moving
04/07/22          unusual travel
27/06/22          keepsakes

12/07/21         souvenir - final phone meeting for Special Memoir Group
05/07/21         no  meeting today

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28/06/21         religion
21/06/21         artistic endeavors
14/06/21         birthdays
07/06/21         change of plans

31/05/21         impromptu situation
24/05/21         Happy Victoria Day
17/05/21         unusual travel experience
10/05/21         proud accomplishment
03/05/21         religion
26/04/21         childhood activities
19/04/21         a road trip
12/04/21         caregivers
05/04/21         being thankful

29/03/21         sports fans
22/03/21         libraries
15/03/21         grocery shopping
08/03/21         parades
01/03/21         a turning point
22/02/21         change of residence
15/02/21         writers' choice
08/02/21         sunrise/sunset
01/02/21         something relaxing
25/01/21         the internet
18/01/21         cartoons
11/01/21         museums
04/01/21         a special person you have known

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21/12/20         life: city vs country
14/12/20         holidays
07/12/20        memorable movies
30/11/20         problem solving
23/11/20         a special opportunity
16/11/20         driving lessons
09/11/20         language(s)
02/11/20         home decoration
26/10/20         friendship
19/10/20         why write?
12/10/20         gratitude
05/10/20         autumn
28/09/20         surprise: writer's choice of topic
21/09/20         meeting cancelled this week - work on chapbook entries
14/09/20         marriage
07/09/20         inspiration
30/08/20         preferred seasons
24/08/20         a charming character
17/08/20         important discovery
10/08/20         role model(s)
03/08/20         a favourite destination
27/07/20         sports/hobbies
20/07/20         singing/dancing
13/07/20         collecting/collections
06/07/20         luck/miracles
29/06/20         encounter(s) with wildlilfe
22/06/20         neighbours
15/06/20         parents/grandparents
08/06/20         seashore/ mountains
01/06/20         angels/ghosts
25/05/20         gardens/gardening
18/05/20         art/artists
11/05/20         dreams/dreaming
4/05/20           sanity
27/04/20         help
20/04/20         creativity
13/04/20         poets
06/04/20         celebrations
30/03/20         springtime
09/03/20         folk music; shenanigans
02/03/20         desserts; favourite writers
24/02/20         abolish; pie
10/02/20         funeral; skating
03/02/20         Walmart; wild flowers
27/01/20         murder; Mondays
20/01/20         the olympics; playboy
13/01/20         mushrooms; the boss
6/01/20           cheese; recipes

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30/12/19        gratitude; dolls
9/12/19          my father's suit; cold nights
18/11/19        balloons; kindergarten; construction
4/11/19          blue; internet
28/10/19        kites; emotions
21/10/19        cigarettes; Stephen King
7/10.19           it's a guy thing; resolutions
30/9/19          fragility of life; an eccentric person
23/9/19          cookies; song book
16/9/19          first and/or true romance; owls
9/9/19            frost; making decisions
26/8/19          celebrities I've encountered; guilty pleasures
19/8/19          my favourite magazine; street hockey
12/8/19          labels; only 5 minutes more
29/7/19          flirting; patience
22/7/19          weddings; jigsaw puzzles
8/7/19            getting lost; skydiving
24/6/19          Halloween; lost and found
17/6/19         regrets; Star Trek
10/6/19         sound of music; train station
3/6/19            fish; desert
27/5/19         ocean tides; improvised play things
13/5/19         playing cards; obituaries
6/5/19           taxes; my earliest memory
29/4/19         bells; something stolen
15/4/19         tea/coffee; fences
8/4/19           yellow; candle light
1/4/19           favourite/worst teacher; newspaper comics
25/3/19         skunks; graffitti
18/3/19         over rated books, film TV etc; most romantic kiss
11/3/19         oxymorons; sidewalk cafes
4/3/19           if I could meet one living person; my greatest achievement
25/2/19         fashion; what Canada means to me
11/2/19         elevators; taxi cabs
4/2/19           peanut butter; socks
28/1/19         No session due to extreme cold!
21/1/19         bands; short films
14/1/19         insults; proverbs

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7/1/19           love at first sight; imaginary friends
17/12/18       carrots/Popeye; first date
10/12/18       star wars; first grade
3/12/18         civil rights; Fridays
26/11/18       memorable event; the beginning
19/11/18       bicycles; beauty
12/11/18       oblivion; snowball fight
5/11/18         remembering things wrong; eggs
29/10/18       dump; lakes, ponds, quarries
22/10/18       life changing event; f-bomb
15/10/18       strange fads; adolescence
1/10/18         satirical humour; petunias and other flowers
23/9/18         Casablanca; picnics
17/9/18         second act; aunts and uncles
10/9/18         a letter; forts
27/8/18         vandalism; pickles
13/8/18         drawing; favourite meal
30/7/18         tactics; telling a joke
23/7/18         caves; zippers
16/7/18         antiques; rainbow
9/7/18           historic sites; blue jays
25/6/18         principal's office; spare change
18/6/18         superstition; starting grade one
11/6/18         rats; donuts
4/6/18           children's books; clowns
28/05/18       farm animals; favourite flower, plant or tree
14/05/18       bowling alley; frogs
7/05/18         Australia; extraordinary event
30/04/18       godparents; loss of a family pet
23/04/18       candy; dollar store
9/04/18         moving to a new place; math class
26/03/18       farts/hearts; mental health
19/03/18       last day ever; cops and robbers
12/03/18       fairy tales; rain
5/03/18         shoes; waste
26/02/18      maple leaf; jail
12/02/18       youngest child in the family/only child; book smells
5/02/18         five black dots;  Marilyn Monroe
29/01/18       disability; time wasters
22/01/18       my favourite place; prejudice
15/01/18       cell phones; home; sunrise
8/01/18         racism; coyote

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18/12/17       Charlie Chaplin; British TV shows
11/12/17       curls; nostalgia
4/12/17        I have never been in a _____; cartoons
27/11/17      gratitude; surprise
20/11/17      celebrations; cemeteries
13/11/17      rural family life;  road kill
06/11/17      chickens; water
30/10/17      unpopular child in school; government
23/10/17      the sea; streetcars/buses
16/10/17      diary; learning to drive
2/10/17        my mother; snow storm
25/9/17        problem solving; plumbing
18/9/17        soap on a rope; royalty
11/9/17        broken bones; sports cars
28/8/17        Wednesday; waiting
21/8/17        protest marches; favourite book
14/8/17        city vs country;  fortune tellers
31/7/17        new year
24/7/17        pigs; baking
17/7/17        swimming pools; bookstores
10/07/17      wilderness; family dinners
3/07/17        East Indians; morning rituals
26/06/17     drive-in movies; street names
19/06/17     passion; cliches/stereotypes
12/06/17     childhood games;  alternative facts
5/06/17       bank;  pests
29/05/17     flat;  hats
15/05/17     bees; my way or the highway
8/05/17       best friend; veterinarian
1/05/17       dentist; mice
24/04/17     when I was 12; mirror
10/04/17     stuff that is difficult to part with; daydreamers
3/04/17       poetry; dancing
27/03/17     neighbours; best time of my life
20/03/17     traffic jams; first funeral
13/03/17     high; home economics/industrial arts
6/03/17       repairing something; trees
27/02/17     parents; sensibility.nonsense
13/02/17     book series; what do you consider romantic?
6/02/17       owing an apology; Tuesdays
30/01/17     best/worst time to write;  "there you go"
23/01/17     alienation; secrets
16/01/17    butterflies; libraries
9/01/17       when I was 17; elementary school

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19/12/16      a very strange day; airports
12/12/16      technology/ beatniks ?  hippies
5/12/16        ditches; siblings older/younger
28/11/16      obsolescence; a train ride
21/11/16      sunset; handwriting
14/11/16      dreaming about the past; "basket of deplorables"
7/11/16        the end; shopping mall
31/10/16      Wizard of Oz; guns
24/10/16      hospitals; back to school
17/10/16      sequels; history
3/10/16        fog; clocks
26/09/16      new shoes; John Wayne
19/09/16      racoons; weird
12/09/16      pets; x-rated movies
29/08/16      comic duos; I wish I had my camera
22/08/16      least favourite traffic in Toronto; French language/culture
15/08/16      vegetables; parades; baldness
8/08/16        moon; skipping school; tv mini-series
25/07/16      horses; dream/nightmare/day dream
18/07/16     comic books; marijuana
11/07/16      courtroom/jury duty; immigration
4/07/16        boarding houses; Hippocratic oath
27/06/16      books I want to read; science
20/06/16      sad stories; game shows
13/06/16      childhood songs; comfort foods
6/06/16        substitute teacher; guilty pleasures
30/05/16      dreams; cheapskates
16/05/16      sanctuary; fire department
9/05/16        movies seen over and over; famous crime
2/05/16        unusual travel experience; poetry
25/04/16      lucky streak; can't handle the truth
18/04/16      life changing event; talk shows
12/04/16      dolls; October
28/03/16      swearing; oil
21/03/16      bucket list; wild life
14/03/16      puppets; old photos
7/03/16        bird watching; parks
29/02/16      epic movies; making a snowman
22/02/16     concert; t-shirts
8/02/16        snakes; sewing
1/02/16        ugly; civil wars
25/01/16      insomnia; schiool field trips
18/01/16      gardens; clouds
4/01/16        people I admire/do not admire; boats/ships

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28/12/15     what I miss about (a dead person); Peyton Place
21/12/15     Donald Duck; flying
14/12/15     puns; soap operas; esp
7/12/15       discourteous people; ice cream
30/11/15     Saturday movies; favourite magazines
23/11/15     what others may think of you; loud noises
16/11/15     wrong choice of words; electricity
9/11/15       sandwich; Marx brothers
1/11/15       bad language; wrong answer
26/10/15     police;  fiction vs nonfiction
19/10/15     outhouses; ufos aliens, life on other planets
5/10/15        a race; watermelons
28/9/15        use it or lose it; super powers
21/9/15        scars; royalty
14/9/15        Trudeau mania; Peanuts comic strips
31/8/15        an old person; motorcycles
17/8/15        movies that made me cry; divorce
10/8/15        jewelry, a lucky break; just an honest person
27/7/15        road trips; smells
20/7/15        movie musicals; VCRs; learning to drive
13/7/15        waiting rooms; insurance
6/7/15          January; aunts and uncles
29/6/15        first computer; rebellion
22/6/15        bicycles; lost ? found
15/6/5         Italian food ? culture; weatherman
8/6/15          USA;  sail boats
1/6/15          arts/music festivals; better beware
25/5/15        shadows;  embarrassing moment/event
11/5/15        first vote; westerns
12/1/15        shopping; cult TV shows ? movies
5/1/15          Sundays; gossip

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29/12/14     coffee table books; siblings
22/12/14     last call; hydro
15/12/14     mystery; Asian cultures
8/12/14       Fridays; street names
1/12/14       birthday; corn
24/11/14    ideal holiday; singing in a choir
17/11/14    national parks; TV comedies
10/11/14    trust; magazines
3/11/14      natural disaster; books to read in future
27/10/14    best present; early radio
20/10/14    fruit trees; candy store/candy lady/man
6/10/14      buffet restaurants; baking bread
29/9/14      early TV; fireworks
22/9/14      vinyl records; romances
15/9/14      coincidences - lucky/unlucky; cell phones
8/9/14        encylopedia; grandparents
25/8/14      euthanasia; swimming
18/8/14      end of the world; recurring dreams
11/8/14      joy of life; entitlement
28/7/14      strawberries/raspberries; exhibition/fair
21/7/14      Thursdays; favourite thing at home
14/7/14      weddings; inspiration
7/7/14        gypsys;  gangsters
23/6/14      agenda; dirt roads
16/6/14      changing season; astrology; fortune telling
9/6/14        deaths of famous people; big city; sensitivity
2/6/14        New York City; ethnic cuisine; childhood play-acting
26/5/14      affair to remember; funniest situation; learning music
12/5/14      memorable birthday party; board games; my doppelganger
5/5/14         family vacation; expo/fair; shopping centres
28/4/14      ethnic idiosynchracies; historic moments; detention
14/4/14      a garden; is that all there is? letting someone down
7/4/14        snubbing; first movie I saw; museums
31/3/14     December; any last requests?
24/3/14     a party; newspapers
17/3/14      first memory; humiliation; famous personality for a date
10/3/14      time - too much/not enough; blondes
3/3/14        going to a play; August
24/2/14      hangups; unusual/memorable neighbours
10/2/14      June;  traveling by boat
4/2/14        wish I'd said that; showing guests around town
27/1/14      ignoring people;  a titled name
20/1/14      puzzles;  folk music
13/1/14      how's your junk?  horses
6/1/14        institutions;  learning music

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16/12/13   if you could be anywhere else;  rules: good or bad
09/12/13     lie I wish I had told;  my favourite teacher
02/12/13     way to die;  Walt Disney
25/11/13   impromptu speaking; landmark building; hair dye/colour
18/11/13   classroom fights; smoking pot
11/11/13   first love, May, snowy day
04/11/13    betrayal; February
28/10/13   pot luck dinner; worst mistake ever made
21/10/13   something-not what it appeared to be; being chosen last
07/10/13     breakfast; bad grades; Saturday rituals
30/09/13    farm life; trips/vacations
23/09/13     best compliments; September
16/09/13     change of residence;  unusual meal
09/09/13       expectations; tv commercials
26/08/13     joys of senility; forbidden fruit
19/08/13     border crossings/customs; watches/clocks
12/08/13    bargains; looking through a window
29/07/13     hoarders;  talking to oneself
22/07/13     things that scared me; clouds
15/07/13     children's books I liked; family cars
08/07/13       countryside around home; body building
24/06/13     visit to the hospital;  what to do when all libraries close
17/06/13    helicopter; teacher/mentor
10/06/13     what about the future? God?
03/06/13       missed/mixed-up appointments; worst job
27/05/13     vague or wrong directions; people watching; body language
13/05/13     family ties; what 2 wishes to grant the world; outhouses
06/05/13   Alzheimers; happiness is an illusion
29/04/13    why move to another planet? worst answering machine message; your home town
22/04/13    sunrise/sunset;  what dream do you choose to have?
15/04/13    rain; rather fly or be invisible?
08/04/13    early rejections; high school teachers; what super power to be?
25/03/13    daily joys; woods/forest
18/03/13    driving lessons; joys of senility; if the world ran on laughter, would we ever run out?
11/03/13   first memories of TV; asking for assistance; favourite grandparent
04/03/13   class you loved or hated; an addiction; bedtime
25/02/13    internal adventures; being misunderstood/misunderstandings
11/02/13    a special treat; lady luck
04/02/13      first pet; place you hate to go
28/01/13    your less desirable traits; procrastination
21/01/13    grandparents; it happened at 16
14/01/13   best laid plans; elementary school
07/01/13  practical jokes; bag ladies; favourite caps/hats

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17/12/12  something relaxing; first Christmas away from home
10/12/12  hair on fire; try something new
3/12/12    a funeral; bad kids (juvenile delinquents); women don't sweat
26/11/12  regrets; out at sea
19/11/12  an advertisement; something you'd rather not do
12/11/12  best gift; visiting historic site(s); outside your window
5/11/12    police; fiction vs non-fiction; your factory - producing what?
29/10/12  multi-tasking; what instrument would you play (if you could)
22/10/12  lost keys; inherited from parents; on the way to the library
15/10/12  summer; hidden fear
1/10/12   hand me downs; the downside
24/9/12   moving day; a name
17/9/12   a rainbow; discrimination
10/9/12   trespassers will be prosecuted, grass is greener, sermons
30/7/12   noise; strong opinion; cats
23/7/12   affair to remember; wildlife/wilderness; creature comforts
16/7/12   transportation; super hero; bullies
9/7/12     epitaph/eulogy; humour; furnishings
25/6/12   nostalgia; security
18/6/12   black sheep of the family; fashion/style; jokes and tricks
11/6/12   "sticks and stones"; worst job,
4/6/12     an accident; what's in a name? a past relic
28/5/12   if animals talk back; colour; a hated place
14/5/12   awkward moment; proud accomplishment; "take me to your leader"
7/5/12     mountains; computer accessories; first TV
30/4/12   someone you dislike; scars; back to the womb
23/4/12   city life vs country life; midlife; a phone message
16/4/12   want to be a different sex? washroom graffiti; memorable telephone call
2/4/12     older women with younger men; closed libraries; a remembered basement
12/3/12   a photograph; pets (unusual or conventional)
5/3/12     why write? patience; living in an overcrowded world
12/2/12   a photograph; pets (unusual or conventional)
3/3/12     why write?  patience;  how to live in an overcrowded world
27/2/12    meeting a stranger; "I wasted my life doing ?"
13/2/12    the ocean; children
 6/2/12     treated unfairly; book read as a child
30/1/12    progress; good advice
23/1/12    dinnertime; different point of view
16/1/12    a day without writing; birds and bees
 9/1/12     starting life over age 21 years old;  excuses

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19/12/11  toilet seat position; if born opposite sex; if born an animal
12/12/11  sleeping in; drivers' attitudes
5/12/11    police; favourite neighbourhood
28/11/11  use it or lose it; getting ripped off
21/11/11  soul food; parades
14/11/11  nasty pests; littering
7/11/11    artistic endeavors; he/she looks like my ex
31/10/11  home decoration; irony-surprise- incongruity
24/10/11  a favourite writer and why; if I could come back
17/10/11  a machine that interested you;  telephone calls
3/10/11    Thanksgiving Holiday - no meeting
26/9/11    going to the park; all about writing
19/9/11    time: (clocks, watches, calendars, alarm clocks, etc.); superstitions
12/9/11    a child dies; politics
29/8/11    cemeteries; assumptions
22/8/11    babies; someone who is really odd/different/eccentric
15/8/11    religion:  (worship, church, synagogue, etc., a religious experience; insects
8/8/11      a choice you made; meal preparation; cooking, baking; a recipe, etc.
25/7/11    greedy people; most embarassing moment(s)
18/7/11    thieves, stealing, something you had stolen from you;  water
11/7/11    sibling rivalry or not ; summer camp ?/or camping; ADHD or bipolar disorder
4/7/11      fishing/hunting; tell a niece or nephew a memory of their parent
27/6/11    a lie you were told (or told);  biggest time or money wasters
20/6/11    a favorite book or film; dangerous games (child or adult); words that make me laugh
13/6/11    being disobedient to parents/teachers, the law; a mystery – something you are or were unable to explain; board games
6/6/11     being out of place or different from most of the people around you; a walk in the neighborhood
30/5/11    first day of school; fear – something you were/are afraid of; a childhood misadventure
16/5/11    the tenant or landlord from hell; if your life was a film, who would play you?
9/5/11      a place you visited; sun, moon, stars, stargazing; night sky; a sound
2/5/11      a thing you would like to be;  being in danger; music
18/4/11    meals (food, mealtime, a favorite meal); what you wish you could still do
4/4/11      describe an accident or event; saying goodbye; teachers
28/311      fire; feeling homesick
21/3/11    a music lesson you didn’t want; birds; dressed inappropriately for an occasion
14/3/11    comical family story; chocolate
7/3/11      why write? ; childhood prank
28/2/11    night noises; what you hate
14/2/11    illness or injury; grocery shopping
7/2/11      instructions to child you once were;  darkness/night
31/1/11     rude people; describe a sibling growing up
24/1/11     favorite shows; waiting room
17/1/11     books you read as a child; hair
10/1/11    why did you decide to/ what inspired you to write a memoir; manners
3/1/11        insects; pets

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20/12/10    "I'm thinking of...."; Holidays
22/11/10    flight or flying; twins;  feet
15/11/10     Seasons; pet peeves
08/11/10      goodbye/farewell;  menus (soul food, favourite foods)
01/11/10       tools; libraries
25/10/10     a parting of the ways;  weather experience
18/10/10     home;  a special trip
04/10/10       animals I have known;  many times...
27/09/10       once upon a time.....; What can you give up knowing?
20/09/10       what did you know in your heart? ; Old lover you can't forget
13/09/10       money;  watches
06/09/10         mother's shoes;  something ordinary

Undated topics......
if from the future and I were to come back to advise me
marriage customs
[ not used ] - the 2 gryphons guarding the library

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