Teaching and Learning with OnLine Conferencing: Introduction:
My story begins at OISE/UT in the fall of 1994.
My first course for an EdD in Curriculum: Teaching and Learning was called Educational Research and it was delivered online in a sytem called parti. My most recent experience in conferencing is with Web Knowledge Forum for an OISE/UT course called Computers in Education.
In this report, I will revisit the experiences of communicating using online conferencing systems, through a variety of systems both at OISE/UT as a learner and at Seneca College where I teach. As a result of my involvement in graduate studies in computers applications, I began teaching SMS333/MRK530, Computer Applications in a computer lab. I began using online conferencing as an additional experience for my students.
I also joined a team of pioneers at Seneca who have developed courses for a certificate program called Designing Curriculum Using Technology which is delivered online. For the past year, I have been teaching the course I developed for this program, CTC203, Web-based Learning. This experience gives another perspective to my online conferencing profile.
I will briefly describe each system I have
used (and in some cases, continue to use). I will relate how it was used
and what my role was in the conference, either as learner or facilitator.
I will give selected
of my messages posted online in those conferencing systems. Finally, I
will summarize my reflections
on the online conferencing process as I have experienced it.
Thanks to Bob Marchessault for the image map on the main page. The other graphics are by me.
Main | Introduction | Learner | Teacher | OnLine Systems | Examples | Reflections