Starting Simply: Mixed Mode Course Delivery

Power Point Presentation   Examples for Presentation

Since the fall of 1996, I have been teaching Marketing-related courses in a mixed mode of delivery. My classes meet in a computer lab or classroom as well as online. The online part was originally my idea and now my institution has adopted a progressive program of including online course management throughout the college community.

I began very simply with a course main page so that I could link information for all of my students to know week by week what was going on in their classes:

  1. before class to prepare,
  2. during class to reinforce the class activities,
  3. after class as homework and
  4. 24/7 to reinforce socialization and self-actualization
The information found on my course main page(s) includes:


I’d like to share the highlights and successes and show  examples from on-going courses at Seneca College and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto .

Computer Applications ( (hybrid)
Essentials of eCommerce ( (hybrid)
How to Be A Successful Student ( (classroom)
Web-Based Learning ( (online)
Enhancing Holistic Learning with Computer Technology ( (online)


Teaching Hybrid Courses in a F2F Environment
Hybrid Teaching Seeks to End the Divide Between Traditional and Online Instruction: The Chronocle of Higher Education -
UW-Milwaukee's Learning Technology Center: Teaching with Technology Today: Special Issue:
Hybrid Teaching
Hybrid Pedagogy -

Dr. Selia Karsten
May 2002