Learning Modules designed to accompany Nickels, McHugh, McHugh and Berman, Understanding Canadian Business, Third Edition,  2000, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Canada.
submitted by Dr. Selia Karsten  July 7, 2000

Module One: E-Commerce Events  A review of significant changes affecting the business world related to the development of the internet and World Wide Web.

Module Two: E-Commerce Web Sites  An investigation of a variety of commercial web sites to become more familiar with how these successful sites work to attract and keep customers.

Module Three: E-Business Issues An opportunity to evaluate e-commerce issues affecting organizations.

Module Four: Distance Education and Web-Assisted Job Search A survey of training and development available on the World Wide Web.

Module Five: Marketing for E-Commerce Searching specific commercial web sites to realize the range of marketing strategies to market similar products.

Module Six: Benchmarks and Best Practices A review of aspects of benchmarking and best practices and how the internet may be helpful in this form of research.

Module Seven: Researching E-Commerce Role Models This activity identifies movers and shakers in the new e-commerce game.

Please note: Every effort has been made to give variety to the links and to choose links that will give students an awareness of various sites on the web that feature e-commerce news, biographical articles and interviews. For external links, there is no absolute guarantee that these links will remain active for a predictable length of time. Usually, students will inform their teachers when they come across a dead link. If teachers notify McGraw-Hill regarding links that are no longer active, updates can be made to the learning materials.