In Chapter 13 of your textbook, you are given background and in depth information regarding human resources in business and on page 405 there is a section on Training and Developing Employees for Optimum Performance. With the internet and the digital revolution, we are now realizing that the computer and the web can play an important part in training and development.
The web is also playing a vital role in helping job-seekers. There are numerous sites where creating resumes and tips for conduct at interviews are among the topics.
Resources for Distance Education, Online Learning and Job Search:
Distance Education - Distance education, an idea as old as the pony express correspondence courses, is transforming education today because of the immediacy with which it can occur and the types of interactions now possible over such great distances.
Online Learning's Long Curve - "The estimated corporate space of online learning was worth $1.1 billion last year, according to IDC research. Revenues for e-learning sites that offer services to other businesses - and not classes directly to consumers - will skyrocket to $11.4 billion by 2003..."
Instructors for online learning - Internet-based services draw top professors away from traditional programs.
Digital Domain - articles about business and the effect of the new paradigm of working.
Finding a Job using the Web:
Part One: Reading Articles about Distance Education
Read the following three articles to gain a variety of perspectives on the subject of training available on the Web.
1. According to Ecompany Now, July 2000, There is much to learn about the online education industry.
"The rise of the Internet as a force for change is putting
virtually every company to the test: Can your people adopt
the new mind-sets and acquire the new skill sets that are
necessary in order to win in the new world of business?"
Read "Online Education: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".
2. This Fast Company article features a consulting company that has been helping employees learn internet skills - test your own knowledge with a sample of the test at the end of the article.
"Is the Web testing the way you do business?
Then maybe you should require the people in
your organization to become Web wizards --
and to pass a test to prove their Web skills."
Read "KPMG Faces the Internet"
3. An article from ZDNet's eweek magazine, May 29, 2000. talks about Lucent's IT personnel mastering skills other than technical skills. Improving the workforce involves training on many levels for a well-rounded employee.
"Technical people never fail around their technical skills.
It's always around their soft skills, their interpersonal skills,
their inability to get people to play on their team, to sell an idea or
coalesce people when times are tough."
Read Leadership Training
Part Two: Visiting Distance Education Sites
Click on the links in this section and follow your interests to find a course offered online.
WorldWideLearn - "Maybe you want to learn something new, continue your education to get a better job, take up a new hobby, improve on your existing skills or just learn something for the fun of it."
World Wide Web Virtual Library Guide a list with descriptions of various online courses available in Canada.
The Node's Course Databases - links to distance education opportunities throughout Canada.
Seneca College Online Courses - courses being offered online at Toronto's largest community college.
Part Three: Selecting a course
Once you have chosen a course, answer the following questions to submit to your instructor.
Teacher's Notes
Learning Outcomes:
learners will be able to:
1) review articles concerning training and education in the business
2) investigate current online courses in the Canadian web environment
3) develop a better understanding of the elements needed in making
decisions about selecting online courses
4) use the web for job search information
Suggestions: To enrich or extend this learning activity, you may
want to give the following as
additional assignments.
Arrange for a guest speaker who can talk about online courses being offered. This could be done in a computer lab where students could have hands on experience with exploring a demonstration of online learning by an online teacher - illustrating courses which might be of interest to the students.
Students might be encouraged to discuss any experiences they have had regarding upgrading and training on-the-job. They could talk about incentives offered and bonuses connected with learning opportunities.
Students could share experiences they have had with learning how to use the internet or World Wide Web to find out more about educational opportunities or to get information that will be helpful in finding employment.
The class could build a collection of web-based job search resources.